Christ's Psalms, Our Psalms

This devotional on the Psalms – which leads you to Christ every day – will warm your heart and help guide your walk with the Lord. A delight to read!


About Peter Holtvlüwer

Hi there. My name is Peter Holtvlüwer – welcome to my website! If you ask me who I am I might say that I’m a middle-aged man, a husband, father, son, uncle, pastor and writer. Each of these is true and yet underneath all of that I’m just Pete, one of God’s children saved by grace. I’m an average guy trying to serve the Lord in these capacities. I make mistakes (aplenty!) and mess up in all kinds of ways, all of which makes me so very grateful to be washed in the blood of Jesus Christ and renewed daily by His Spirit.

You might also like to know that I presently serve as a full time minister of the Word in a Bible-believing, confessional Reformed congregation in Canada. I am committed to the infallible Word of God and uphold in every respect the Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of Dort as accurate, faithful summaries of Scripture.

I write non-fiction stuff – mostly articles and editorials for Clarion, our unofficial church magazine – and many sermons, of course. Currently, alongside my regular ministry duties, I am working hard to finish editing (and contributing to) a multi-volume work on the Psalms.

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